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Hadrian’s Wall – Photos from last week

Join us for our next walk along the Hadrian’s Wall trail: August 19-23rd 2024

This historic route once again gave us a superb week of walking in the footsteps of The Romans as they guarded the frontier of their empire almost two thousand years ago.  A big thanks to those who came along and made this such a sociable and enjoyable walking holiday.

Special highlights on this trip were:

  • Walking through Sycamore Gap, where a fence now surrounds what remains of the iconic tree that was famously vandalized last year and which now provides a focus for those saddened by this act.

  • Walking along the ‘juiciest’ sections of this trail, where the best-preserved forts, milecastles and turrets fire the imagination with the details of Roman life.

  • Visiting the 12th century Lanercost Priory where rust-red sandstone from the wall was taken to enable construction of this impressive and elegant building.

  • Great food and hospitality provided by the Centre of Britain hotel in Haltwhistle.

With a daily total of around 8-10 miles, this walking holiday is ideal for anyone looking for an ‘easy to moderate’ grade trip.  It’s a great feeling to fill the day with such excellent walking but to also take time for photos, breaks, and for coffee and loo stops, too (of course!).

For a full itinerary and details of how to book please visit our web page here.


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